Representation of creditors
In a typical restructuring process creditors will form a representative body, usually referred to as a Steering Committee or Bank Advisory Committee. Traditionally these committees would consist of banks, and occasionally, bondholders. However, due to the massive disintermediation of banks and debt layering, particularly in LBO financings, the inter-creditor dynamics have become more complex and counter-productive.

Restructuring capital
P4P's partners have sucessfuly invested over EUR 250 mm in pre-restructuring activist private debt transactions in the period 2004-2007 at ABN AMRO Bank.
The investment opportunities in European distressed debt - particularly in 2010 and beyond- will be abundant due to the systematic over-leverage in the European LBO market, especially for deals closed after 2005.

P4P will - on a lump sum fee basis only - provide the following advisory services to (non-bank) creditors and investors:
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> Representation of creditors

> Restructuring capital

> Advisory
P4P-Global BV / ITO-Tower - 7th floor / Gustav Mahlerplein 60-R / 1082 MA Amsterdam / The Netherlands / info(at)p4p-global.com

© P4P-GLOBAL® 2013 - website: www.i-trade.nl